The toddler
room has been busy building with many different mediums. This study began when
teachers noticed that children were very engaged in building
with every material they used. They did
this individually and
in small
One afternoon
children work cooperatively to construct a fort out of the large fabric in the
classroom, afterword's
enjoyed sitting together inside the fort admiring what they had done.
the fort building teacher set up opportunities for individual children to build
with different mediums, both large and small scale. During this time children built many tall,
Teachers noticed children building outside
as well. During this time children worked cooperatively
to build towers with large Legos. When building
outside teachers observed children being interested in how to build together but more
interested in building concepts with one another especially the concept of
shadow. After this observation teachers
decided to work with children in small groups in the studio to build
structures and
create shadows. During this time children engaged in different ways; for
some it was about the act of building and putting objects inside one another,
understanding how large blocks need to be on the bottom and small block on to top.
Teachers followed the natural progression
of children‘s
play. During this time teachers set up play
opportunities that were inquiry based and an
opportunity to express
knowledge through creativity expression
and open
ended materials.
This study of Building engaged
children in all NM Early Learning Domains: Beginning to Know About Ourselves
and Other, Beginning to Communicate, Beginning to Move and Do, Beginning to
Build Concepts and Approaches to Learning.