Throughout the last few weeks Pre-K and
Preschool classes have been exploring indigenous cave art with Sienna!!!
We began by going outside and drawing various
lines such as zig-zags, curvy lines, spirals and straight lines with chalk on
the sidewalks. After extensively exploring how we can use lines we went inside
to begin making our own cave drawings!
First we showed the children various pictures
of indigenous art of the human body. Then we talked about all the different
parts that a human body has. We gave each child a cardboard circle and a brown
piece of paper they took the circle and traced it to make the heads. Next we
used a large triangle to trace for the body. Afterwards, we had the children give
their figures arms and legs and decorate the inside of the bodies with the
lines we had previously learned about. Over the next couple of weeks we allowed
the children to add to their pictures such as an animal or the sun or whatever
their imaginations created.
New Mexico Early Learning Guidelines Meet During This Study:
2.1 Is developing
manual coordination to use cutting and writing tools
5.1 Listens with
understanding to directions and conversations
5.4 Demonstrates
understanding of new vocabulary introduced in conversation
6.1 Converses
effectively in his or her home language
6.2 Asks and answers
relevant questions
6.3 Engages in
conversations that develop a thought or idea
8.1 Experiments with
a variety of writing tools, materials and surfaces
8.2 Demonstrates
knowledge that writing and drawing are different and uses early stages of
writing in the form of shapes and letters like symbols to convey ideas
10.1 Recognizes,
names, describes, compares and creates familiar shapes
13.1 Communicates
ideas and/or feelings through creative activities (for example, making up own
song, acting out a story, creating a piece of art work or a set of movements).
17.2 makes choices
and expresses likes and dislikes
20.1 Plays and
interacts with various children sharing experiences and ideas with others
23.2 shows interest
in exploring the environment, learning new things, and trying new experiences
24.2 develops
increasing independence during activities routines and play
27.1 focuses and
completes a variety of tasks, projects and experiences