Friday, February 26, 2016

Expressing Emotion Through Music

Expressing Emotion Through Music

During this activity the children were asked to listen to different genres of music and draw how it made them feel. Our primary goal was to help expand their emotional vocabulary. We used Mozart which is shown in purple, techno is in yellow, heavy metal or rock n roll (no lyrics) is in red and country music is in blue. We were trying to provoke feelings of sadness, anger, happiness or what ever other emotions the children were feeling while listening to the music.

        Many decided that Mozart (purple) made them feel good and happy, where the techno (yellow) made them feel excited and silly. We chose heavy metal (red) to see how they would react and many said this music make me feel angry where others said it made them feel frustrated. And while listening to country music (blue) the discussion turned from feelings of sadness to what disappointment means to them.


New Mexico Early Learning Guidelines Meet:

5.1 Listens with understanding to direction and conversations

6.1 The child communicates experiences, ideas, and feelings through speaking

12.1 Represents information about self, surroundings, and meaningful experiences

13.1 Communicates ideas and/or feelings through creative activities (for example, making up her own song, acting out a story, creating a piece of art work or a set of movements)

18.2 increasingly express his feelings to appropriate gestures, actions, and language

23.2 shows interest in exploring the environment, learning new things, and trying new experiences

Expressing Emotion Through Music

Expressing Emotion Through Music
During this activity the children were asked to listen to different genres of music and draw how it made them feel. Our primary goal was to help expand their emotional vocabulary. We used Mozart which is shown in orange, Beethoven in pink, techno is in blue, and country music is in turquoise. We were trying to provoke feelings of sadness, anger, happiness or whatever other emotions the children were feeling while listening to the music.

        Many decided that Mozart (orange) made them feel good and happy, where the techno (blue) made them feel excited and silly. And while listening to country music (turquoise) the discussion turned to feelings of sadness.  

New Mexico Early Learning Guidelines Meet:

5.1 Listens with understanding to direction and conversations
6.1 The child communicates experiences, ideas, and feelings through speaking

12.1 Represents information about self, surroundings, and meaningful experiences
13.1 Communicates ideas and/or feelings through creative activities (for example, making up her own song, acting out a story, creating a piece of art work or a set of movements)

18.2 increasingly express his feelings to appropriate gestures, actions, and language
23.2 shows interest in exploring the environment, learning new things, and trying new experiences













Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Exploration and Discovery

We explored moon sand.  We used flour and oil to make the moon sand.

Babies tried to smell, taste, and feel the moon sand.

Later we explored tools, so we scooped and smashed the moon sand with our tools. 

Babies also explore window blocks.  They explore the blocks by looking through the blocks, smashing the blocks, and touching the blocks.

Babies explore cause and effect, with the explore the sensory tubes.  They watch the tubes as they move them up and down. 

We explored tools in different environments, with sensory materials and without.  Babies used the tools to build. 

Babies explore tummy time. To encourage tummy time we engage babies with different materials while on the floor.

As we continued to explore tools, we figured out how tools work with paint.  Babies figured out how to manipulate different painting tools.

Exploring window blocks using our fine motor skills to manipulate the materials.

Exploring concepts of space by looking inside the tunnel and then pulling away. 

Our favorite sensory experience this semester. Babies love, love to explore clay.  They squished they fingers through the clay, splashed the water, and pulled the clay apart.

We use our hands as tools to explore books, blocks, and sensory materials.

Babies first reaction to the light projector: "WOW!"

Babies explored the light projector with their hands. They looked to the wall as their hands were on the projector and said "Hands!"

Babies added various materials to the top of the light projector.