The children have been busy at work focusing on builders! We started by changing our classroom into a construction zone. We provided several books in the library area for children to see. For circle time we sang songs such as “Build a House, “We are builders”, and “London bridges”. The children developed different vocabulary, to express their thoughts and ideas about construction and building. Throughout this study children have engaged in math and movement activities. They also explored various pieces of literature focusing on the workers, the machines, and the tools that build structures. Projects we did included a recycled city, reading the classic story “Three Little Pigs” and taking turns acting out and role playing the story, hammering stumps in dramatic play area, nuts and bolts sorting and sink and float using construction items. We provided different types of measuring tools such as tape measure and rulers to encourage them to measure. We added pictures of buildings and towers and paper and pencils for them to create their own floor plan. Finally we used a variety of materials to build with, paper cups, spaghetti and marshmallows, egg cartons, different blocks. We painted with tools and tractors. We had so much fun we will create a book that shows pictures of us building for our library for everyone to enjoy!
What types of tools do builders
Paloma: hammer
Daisy: saw
Meadow: my dad is a builder, he
builds houses in Taos
Jesus: measuring tape
What types of machines do builders
Jayden: crane
Vincent: dump trucks
What types of things do they build?
Addison: skyscrapers
Paloma: schools and fix schools
Kamila: Hotels
What do builders wear?
Jonathan: they wear hardhats and goggles, they wear
vests so that the cars can see them, and they wear hats so that things won't
hit them on the head
Isaiah: he wears a helmet to
protect his brain
James: They wear vests so they can
zip them up
New Mexico Early Guidelines children worked on during this study:
#1: the child independently uses gross motor control including balance, spatial awareness and stability
#2: the child independently uses fine motor skills
#4: the child demonstrate safe behaviors and increasing number of situations
#5: child demonstrates development and expansion of listening skills
#6: the child communicates experiences, ideas and feelings through speaking
#7: the child engages in activities that promote emergent writing skills
#10: the child demonstrates understanding geometrical and spatial concepts
#11: the child demonstrates an understanding of nonstandard units to measure and make comparisons #12: the child demonstrates the ability to investigate organize and create representation
#20: the child works cooperatively with other children and adults
#22: the child demonstrates knowledge of neighborhood and community
#23: the child is opening curious to learn new things
#27: the child displays persistence and pursues challenges
#28: the child uses problem-solving skills